Every month, we received too many bills. Often, we take the bills for granted. How much your bills will take out $$$ from your pocket.
And as time goes by, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, the bills will creep up. Sadly, even when we see it going up, we just shrug our shoulders and accept that it is the cost of living and maintaining our house.
And as time goes by, as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, the bills will creep up. Sadly, even when we see it going up, we just shrug our shoulders and accept that it is the cost of living and maintaining our house.
But wait!!.Let's cut one that bills. Your electrical bill. I have experienced that I can cut down at least 10% of my electric bills by making some simple practice. It does not take much doing but it saved me a lot of money. Some of the simple tips are listed below;
1. Turn to energy efficient light bulbs .
It just as bright light but can reduce your electric bills in the long run. The manufacturers claim the savings to be over 25%. And that's some big money right there.
2. Change to low wattage light bulbs.
Use low wattage bulbs for areas that do not need very bright lights, eg. your bathromm or stores as they are cheaper to on
3. Switch off lights when not in use
Switch off ALL electric appliances if you're going out of a room. After all, if it can reduce your bills and save more money, why not? So, please switch off anything that can save money by doing so!
4. Ceiling fans vs Air-conditioners
I'm prefer Ceiling fans, coz it very effective while being a lot cheaper to run. So whenever it is not too hot, switch on the fans instead of the air-con.
According to Consumer Reports in the US, by turning both the air-con and the
ceiling fan on, you will also save money. For example, set the air-con at 25
degrees and the fan will reduce the temp by a further two degrees. In other
words, the room now is a comfortable 23 degrees.ps;
If you like to find out more ways to reduce your expenses, check out the book 1001 Ways to Cut Your Expenses by Jonathan D. Pond.