How to be free from debt

Write down your total debt on the big poster. Put the poster visual and its will remind you to free from debt and stick to your goal.

Save your fuel !

Buy cars with low cc

First thing you can do is to chose a car with lower cc. Any car that below than 1000 cc is quite cute and good. But if you find it a too smal for your family...go to below 2ooo cc. Its should be fine!

More bad news is any cars cc more than 2000 cc will suck in fuel like H2O. This not counting the higher roadtax yet. So if you do buy those big cc cars, don't complain about high fuel costs. you know you are getting into. Style, if you have not realized it yet, often cost a lot of money. A lot.
"The world has a habit of making way for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going" -Napolean Hill
